Super 32 Challenge Early Entry Registration
Date: September 14, 2024
Time: 9:00 am
Location: Belton High School
Divisions: High School Boys, 7th and 8th Graders may Wrestle in High School Division
Style: Folkstyle
Registration: OPEN

Divisions & Weight Classes
High School Boys (7th & 8th Graders May Compete in the High School Division)
(A 3-pound allowance will be given on top of the posted weights, but NO allowance in the actual Super 32 Challenge )
106, 113, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 157, 165, 175, 190, 215, 285
- All questions regarding registration and any other information specific to a particular tournament should be directed to the tournament director of that site (see “Information” links above)
- Top 4 placers in each tournament (Boys’ High School division only) are eligible for EARLY ENTRY into the Super 32. Here’s how it works:
- Early Registration will close 9/15/24 @ 9 am (EST).
- You must register during this time window or you will lose your preferred status and will have to wait until regular registration opens
- IMPORTANT TO NOTE: these tournaments enable you to register early. They do not guarantee your entry into the tournament. If you do not take advantage of the early registration opportunity, you will have to wait and register during regular registration, and you might miss the entry cutoff
- These tournaments are for early entry. It is not required to wrestle in an early entry tournament in order to wrestle in the Super 32
- Early entry is ONLY for the High School Division. THERE IS NO EARLY ENTRY FOR THE GIRLS, MIDDLE SCHOOL OR ELEMENTARY DIVISIONS. Some of these tournaments will have girls/middle school/elementary divisions, but they are not considered part of the Super 32 Early Entry system.
- You are not required to wrestle the same weight class in the Super 32 that you wrestle in the early entry tournament
- You may wrestle in more than one early entry tournament
- If you are already eligible for early entry into the Super 32 based on other criteria as listed on our Early Registration page, you may still compete in the early entry tournament. If someone who is already eligible for early registration places in the top 4, there will be no additional wrestlers to register early (ie, if a state champion places 1st in the early entry tournament, this does not mean that the wrestler who places 5th may register early)
- As with the Super 32, no membership card is required to wrestle in the early entry tournaments
The early entry tournaments will use the official high school weight classes. There may be a 3 lbs allowance in the early entry tournaments (up to the discretion of each site director) but NO allowance in the actual Super 32 Challenge.
Online Registration (Limited to the first 300 PAID entries, unpaid entries will not be allowed in.)
Open Registration: $45 – Ends 9/08/24 at 11:59 pm.
Late Registration or until the Tournament reaches Capacity: $55 Ends 9/12/24 at 3:00 pm.
Refunds: There will be NO refunds on registration if a wrestler does not show up or cannot wrestle.
Substitutions: There will be NO substitutions for a wrestler who cannot compete.
Remote Weigh-ins: Will be accepted Starting Friday morning @ 8 am until 7 pm Friday evening.
Email Remote Weights to Emailed weights will be picture of Scale reading and wrestlers name
Onsite Weigh-ins: Friday Only 6 pm – 7 pm (Absolutely NO Saturday Weigh-ins)
Belton High School
801 W. North Ave
Belton, Mo 64012
Weight Changes
You must wrestle at the weight you registered for.
You have up until Registration closes or 9/12/2024 @ 3 pm whichever happens first to log back into Track Wrestling to make the change with NO penalty.
No weight changes will be made after Registration Closes. If you do not make your registered weight at the time of weigh-ins and wish to bump, there will be a $25 fee. If not, you will not be able to wrestle, and your entry fee will NOT be refunded.
Tournament Rules
- Headgear (Recommended but not Required)
- Running 6 mats for all divisions
- Minimum rest time between matches is 15 minutes
- Certified High School Officials & Trainers will be used
- Double elimination format
- 1.5-1.5-1.5 periods for Championship & Consolation matches
- Singlets or Compression Gear are Required
- NFHS rules
- 7th and 8th graders may compete in the High School Division
- Wrestlers may not compete in more than one Weight Class
- 1-minute sudden death followed by: a 30-second Rideout for Overtime (1st points scored in the match gets choice in ride-out, coin flip if 0-0)
- Top 3 placers receive medals
- Top 4 placers in each weight class, will be given the opportunity for early registration to the Super 32 Challenge in Greensboro, NC. You must follow the early registration instructions on the Super 32 website (
- Qualified wrestlers may compete in a different weight class at the Super 32 in October
- This is a NON-SEEDED TOURNAMENT (random draw via computer), High School & Club coaches, please ensure your wrestlers list the same team name AND list the same coaches’ names so we can attempt to split teammates
- Spectators – $15
- Senior Citizens – $10
- Coaches Band – $25
The venue and admissions will open at 8 am on Saturday, September 14th.
Saturday, September 14th
9:00 – Wrestling begins